Run a Reverse Phone Lookup
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A reverse phone number lookup in Illinois may give you details about the owner of a phone number, and the search is simple to complete. In just a few minutes, you might know what carrier services a phone number, who owns the phone number and other information. Details such as these can be helpful in a couple ways.
First, people often conduct a reverse phone number search in order to find out who might be calling. You may be able to ascertain whether a scammer, a telemarketer or someone else is behind a phone number that keeps calling. It’s uncommon, but you might even learn that a jaded ex- is calling you.
Second, people sometimes conduct a phone number search to check whether someone still uses their old number. Finding out that a friend or acquaintance no longer uses a phone number could be a sign that they’ve moved. Learning that a business doesn’t still have a phone number might indicate that they’ve closed. Of course, you can call more confidently if the person or business is still registered as the number’s owner.
Whatever you hope to learn by looking up a phone number in Illinois, get started now and you could learn some information quickly.
What are Common Illinois Phone Number Area Codes?
All United States phone numbers have a three-digit area code that precedes the seven-digit local number. The area code shows what state a phone number originates from, and often where in that state the phone number was at least originally located.
As people have transitioned from landline phones to cell phones, area codes have become a less reliable way to ascertain where someone currently is. The area code still at least shows where a phone number is originally from, and its location is where you should begin a reverse phone number search.
If you’re investigating a phone number that has an Illinois area code, you’ll want to focus the phone number search on Illinois. The state has 16 area codes that canvass its territory, 9 of which are used for the Chicago area.
The 9 area codes for Chicago and surrounding suburbs are:
- 312: City of Chicago, specifically the Near North Side and Chicago Loop
- 773: City of Chicago, excluding downtown’s Chicago Loop
- 872: City of Chicago, overlaying both the 312 and 773 areas
- 464 / 708: Chicago Southland, Melrose Park, Oak Park, Norridge, Oak Lawn, etc.
- 224 / 874: Lake County, Evanston, Des Plaines, Waukegan, Elgin, etc.
- 331 / 630: Dupage County, Kane County, Wheaton, Naperville, Aurora, etc.
The 7 area codes for Northern, Central and Southern Illinois are:
- 217 / 447: Central Illinois, including Danville, Decatur, Effingham, Springfield, etc.
- 309 / 861: West-Central Illinois, including Bloomington-Normal, Peoria, Moline, etc.
- 618: Southern Illinois, including Metro East St. Louis suburbs, Carbondale, etc.
- 779 / 815: Northern Illinois excluding Chicago area, including Rockford, Lasalle, etc.
How Can I Lookup Someone’s Illinois Phone Number?
Looking up a phone number is a lot like using the phone book in reverse order (hence “reverse phone number lookup”). Instead of searching the yellow or white pages for a name, type in the phone number and the search tool will locate available info. The process is much faster than leafing through hundreds of pages.
To perform a reverse phone number lookup on an Illinois number, try these steps with a reverse phone number lookup tool:
- Type in the area code and local number (10 digits total)
- Tell the search tool to check for associated records
- View the search results
Typically, the records that a reverse phone lookup search tool returns are sourced from public records. Although public record information is available to anyone (including you), gathering and compiling the details would take an enormous amount of time. Such a search tool is able to efficiently gather the information and often quickly provide information on the searched number.
How helpful the public records are depends largely on who owns the phone number. In particular, records may be errant if a scammer is using the phone number. Unfortunately, scammers often falsify these records to hide their name.
Even if a phone number is used by a scammer, however, ascertaining that information can be helpful. You’ll at least know to ignore phone calls from the number.
Are Reverse Phone Number Lookups Legal in Illinois?
Neither federal nor state law prohibits reverse phone number lookups in Illinois. They’re fully legal to both offer and use, when the information gathered is sourced from public sources. It’s also acceptable to do a search on an Illinois phone number from another state or look up an out-of-state number from Florida.
Is There a Free Reverse Phone Number Lookup Service for Illinois Numbers? powered by Intelius offers a simple and free* reverse phone number search for Illinois numbers. Type the number into the search bar toward the top of the page, click to conduct the search, and find any available results. offers a free* reverse phone number lookup that includes basic information, when available, about the owner of the phone number such as name, city, state, zip code. Additionally, when available it may also include info related to a phone number such as area code, exchange code, zip code coverage, original line type, carrier type, original coverage area, and switch CLLI Code.
Should you want additional information beyond what a free reverse phone number lookup tool provides, several paid phone number searches are available. Paid tools have more resources to deploy, which allows them to gather, correlate and search for more information.
For example, a free phone lookup might only have a phone number’s carrier service and its location. A paid lookup might have the actual name connected to the cell phone or landline phone number that you’re interested in.
What Information Could I Find From an Illinois Reverse Phone Number Lookup?
You can likely access a wealth of information by using a free* or paid reverse phone number lookup. This is the easiest way to learn basic details about a number if you don’t have caller ID, and you could learn much more than what caller ID displays. Depending on the search tool, and what records are available about a particular phone number, a paid reverse phone lookup might reveal:
- The full name of the phone number’s owner
- Information about the number’s phone carrier
- Phone number owner’s location history
- Other owner contact information
- Social media pages or listings associated with the owner
- Possible Images of the owner
- And more!
Beyond this information, additional details might be discovered via a background check. In many cases, a background check can usually reveal information such as educational history, employment history, criminal and traffic records, and potential family members. When taken together with a reverse phone number lookup, the information located from these tools can provide a robust portrayal of a person.
Whether you want only basic information or extensive details, the first logical step is to try a free reverse phone number lookup. You can continue with a paid lookup and background check as you wish.
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