Phone Number Lookups Outside The United States
Currently the service is limited to the United States. However, we understand that some visitors may be looking for information outside the United States and to help accommodate them, we have compiled this directory of sites which cover geograpic areas we do not.
Canadian Lookup Sites
Canada 411, operated by Yellow Media Inc the operators of Canada 411 offers people lookups, phone lookups and business lookups., Canadian WhitePages, operated by US directory provider
French Directory
PagesJaunes, France white and yellow pages offers a local reverse search which in French is called the "Annuaire Inverse".
Israeli Phone Lookup, Israeli reverse phone directory that collects data from sources available online.
Japanese Reverse Directory, Japanese phone directory provided by APCON International Inc.
German Lookup
Das Telefonbuch, their backwards search allows you to search a phone number for the owner's information offered by Deutsche Telekom.
Italian Phone Directory, Italian directory offering specialty searches for phone, toll-free numbers and addresses.
Swiss Directory & Phone Lookup, Phonebook and reverse phone number search from Swisscom Directories Ltd.
Other US sites
Inter800, search for information on US toll-free numbers (1-800 phone numbers).
Other Countries
IQuick, phone lookup which covers multiple countries. This site may be useful for countries not found in this list., does not offer a reverse phone lookup, however, the site will help you reverse a county calling code to see where an unknown number originated.