Run a Reverse Phone Lookup
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Is there a Virginia phone number that you’d like to find out who the owner is? There is a handy tool that could help you discover who owns a Virginia phone number. This service is called a reverse phone number lookup. It allows you to lookup a specific phone number, which can be useful for a variety of reasons including:
- It could help you find out if the Virginia number that called you still has the original owner or if it now belongs to someone else.
- It could tell you if a phone number is a cell phone or a landline number
- It could tell you who owns the mystery number that keeps calling you
If you’re stumped on how to look into a Virginia phone number, a reverse phone number lookup is a good place to start.
What are Common Virginia Phone Number Area Codes?
For those who are trying to figure out if their call is coming from somewhere in Virginia, first try to find what the area code is. This piece of information could begin to answer some of your questions.
It’s important to keep in mind, however, that even if the number that you want to look into has a Virginia area code, this doesn’t necessarily mean the call or caller actually is currently located in that state. Scammers are sometimes able to make it appear that they’re calling people from the same state even if they’re located elsewhere. Additionally, sometimes individuals will move, but still keep their Virginia cell phone number.
Common area codes for Virginia include:
- Common Richmond area code: 804
- Common Alexandria area code: 571
- Common Mount Vernon area code: 703
- Common Charlottesville area code: 434
- Common Virginia Beach area code: 757
- Common Abingdon area code: 276
How Can I Lookup Someone’s Virginia Phone Number?
People who are interested in learning who owns a phone number can try using a reverse phone number lookup. The concept is similar, but a little different, to that of a phone book, which was a useful pre-Internet tool that let people look up phone numbers and addresses. A phone book is often divided between the “white” pages that were a listing of home names and addresses, and the “yellow” pages where all business info was listed. When you wanted to find something, you looked in your phone book for the correct name and then you learned their phone number and where they were located. With a reverse phone number lookup, it’s the opposite: you put in the number of who is calling you and then you could find out information about who owns the phone number and other information related to the phone number.
With, once you input your info, available information from public records is compiled into a report. This tool also may also be able to discover if a caller is using a traditional landline or a cell phone.
Are Reverse Phone Number Lookups Legal in Virginia?
In general, reverse phone number lookups are legal in Virginia. gathers its data from public records which means at a technical level all information is accessible to the public. This service will perform the “heavy lifting” of a lot of research to provide you with the relevant information, all in one place.
Is There a Free Reverse Phone Number Lookup Service for Virginia Numbers?
You can find a free* reverse phone number lookup at Here, you’ll be able to perform your reverse phone number search for a Virginia phone number. To begin your search, simply enter the unknown Virginia number you’d like to look up into the search bar at the top of this site. powered by Intelius offers a free* reverse phone number lookup service that includes basic information, when available, about the owner of the phone number such as name, city, state, and zip code. Additionally, when available it may also include info related to a phone number, such as area code, exchange code, zip code coverage, original line type, carrier type, original coverage area and switch CLLI Code.
There are often limits to the info you could discover when you use a free reverse phone number lookup to try to find out who owns a phone number. You could learn even more information, however, that can be attached or connected to a specific Virginia landline or cell phone, from one of several paid reverse phone number lookup services available for various rates.
What Information Could I Find From a Virginia Reverse Phone Number Lookup?
If you choose to upgrade to a paid Reverse Phone Number Lookup, such a service may be able to provide a range of information. For example, an Intelius Reverse Phone Number Lookup Report could include:
- The full name of the phone number’s owner
- Information about the phone number’s phone carrier
- Information about the phone number owner’s location history
- Other owner contact information
- Social media pages or listings which are associated with the owner
- Possible images of the owner
- And more!
Anyone interested in learning even more details about the owner of a phone number may want to consider using a people search tool. A people search tool may provide a thorough online background check along with an array of interesting information about a person, including someone’s criminal and traffic records, their employment history, their education background, possible relatives, social media profiles, and more.
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