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Violation Date
Caller Location
, , Ohio
Phone Type

Why Was 740-667-6860 Reported To The FTC?

This number was reported to the FTC on 02/02/2024 by a consumer living in Gallipolis, Ohio for possibly violating the National Do Not Call Registry on 2024-02-02 17:04:27. This means that the complaintant had previously signed up for the National Do Not Call Registry and received a call from this number which they believe to be in violation of the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act.

Is 740-667-6860 A Recorded Call (Robocall)?

Reports from the FTC inform us that this phone call was a recorded message or robocall. A reverse phone lookup may provide more information. Take precautions when receiving call or messages from this number.

Who Called Me From This Phone Number?

For privacy concerns, we can not directly display the owner of this number, however, you can run a reverse phone lookup at the top of this page to potentially identify the owner of this number. The following is what info you may find by running a search or accessing a report:

  • Data Type
  • Possible Owner Uncover the identity linked to almost any phone number.
  • Address History Unearth the address chronology tied to the phone number's potential owner.
  • Social Profiles Explore social media accounts connected to the phone number in question.
  • Associated Email Addresses Identify email addresses linked to the phone number you are investigating.
  • Associated Phone Numbers Reveal other phone numbers connected to the primary phone number's possible owner.
  • Past Owners Find out about previous individuals who might have been linked to this phone number.
  • Phone Type Determine the category of the phone number you are looking into, such as “Mobile”, “Landline”, “VOIP”, etc.
  • Carrier Identify the telecommunications provider linked to the phone number.
  • Original Coverage Area Ascertain the geographical region related to the phone number.

**NOTICE: ReversePhoneLookup.com powered by Intelius offers a free reverse phone number lookup, that includes basic information, when available, such as owner name, partial address, area code, exchange code, zip code coverage, original line type, carrier type, original coverage area, and switch CLLI Code. Intelius offers a 5-day reverse phone number lookup trial for $0.95 which can provide more data. If you do not cancel during the 5-day trial, your full membership will begin and you will be charged $34.95 and your full membership will automatically renew every 30 days unless you cancel before the start of the next term. From time to time Intelius offers different or promotional subscription proving. For more information about these subscriptions please visit the Intelius TERMS OF USE.

Where Is This Caller Located?

Our records indicate that 740-667-6860 original coverage area is , , Ohio.

What Other Numbers From This Area Have Been Reported

740-246-7858 740-429-1204 740-239-9929 740-392-9516 740-748-2108 740-276-5016 740-767-2265 740-319-9267 740-670-2351 740-209-3973 740-529-1916 740-593-7829 740-894-1488 740-451-1136 740-678-1318 740-753-3041 740-567-2170 740-533-3644 740-313-7247 740-594-3568 740-594-8226 740-432-5991 740-941-4818 740-392-4183 740-473-2070 740-392-0363 740-397-9478 740-398-6198 740-362-9235 740-282-5690 740-348-5972 740-694-1874 740-858-4589 740-277-7132 740-881-0411 740-599-1552 740-477-8884 740-397-8591 740-966-5364 740-313-7422 740-397-0833 740-363-4711 740-389-5494 740-373-7444 740-245-5992 740-782-8218 740-592-5079 740-929-3038 740-682-0829 740-498-6554 740-869-4373 740-966-0158 740-927-3537 740-987-5605 740-625-5128 740-599-5735 740-914-4257 740-622-8147 740-397-3905 740-929-1877 740-269-3176 740-653-7307 740-676-4884 740-622-2938 740-927-2128 740-315-5940 740-490-7587 740-929-1824 740-393-4901 740-881-4782 740-397-2362 740-242-1107 740-778-2826 740-924-9292 740-474-8074 740-264-5017 740-783-4580 740-892-3326 740-456-4224 740-388-1122 740-484-4020 740-876-9057 740-962-4437 740-371-4906 740-592-1231 740-397-6307 740-876-4440 740-327-1413 740-694-6654 740-397-7231 740-919-4819 740-393-5000 740-448-4022 740-876-8798 740-397-2009 740-876-8535 740-275-0678 740-625-5022 740-862-2349 740-451-0314 740-947-5300 740-374-4173 740-625-6449 740-892-3839 740-474-6253 740-763-7298 740-694-2382 740-506-1220 740-993-8089 740-630-6985 740-947-8415 740-943-3360 740-209-5864 740-456-4209 740-385-0469 740-214-1181 740-682-7487 740-247-1119 740-862-4963 740-270-2278 740-566-3419 740-478-6055 740-456-5636 740-838-6251 740-622-6332 740-246-7672 740-451-0679 740-375-2941 740-517-8108 740-801-0358 740-623-2661 740-392-2593 740-574-5606 740-392-0461 740-286-6079 740-965-1317 740-867-4181 740-606-2197 740-382-2425 740-387-0239 740-984-2236 740-861-0420 740-592-3819 740-363-3030 740-984-2250 740-389-5594 740-676-7206 740-529-8702 740-727-0719 740-478-5040 740-425-1775 740-350-5192 740-338-1450 740-922-4618 740-982-5821 740-335-7255 740-601-1614 740-845-0583 740-397-9959 740-276-9264 740-247-3042 740-892-3772 740-919-0169 740-498-6948 740-544-6704 740-208-6363 740-694-1218 740-397-2671 740-397-9306 740-487-1479 740-876-4166 740-901-4056 740-327-0073 740-796-7765 740-267-5618 740-218-6297 740-762-1114 740-625-1979 740-915-8447 740-632-8433 740-434-5460 740-832-1090 740-208-1287 740-492-0957 740-276-1517 740-395-5601 740-351-8184 740-761-1325 740-208-4307 740-303-0015 740-347-3185 740-882-8346 740-380-1105 740-373-3859 740-487-1895 740-279-6572 740-468-0507 740-868-8586 740-280-8406 740-313-9441 740-266-2600 740-423-8280 740-616-3419 740-363-0444 740-400-1723 740-522-1644 740-726-6019 740-636-8159 740-625-6351 740-892-1509 740-217-7113 740-695-5789 740-828-4933 740-869-4239 740-417-4271 740-204-5666 740-420-1915 740-362-1113 740-964-0054 740-881-5311 740-315-5951 740-696-9905 740-620-1467 740-618-8506 740-397-3980 740-313-1244 740-536-6745 740-632-0527 740-913-2078 740-385-1717 740-242-8409 740-229-7057 740-792-6267 740-303-1506 740-277-7537 740-541-6023 740-268-2248 740-242-8168 740-456-4644 740-454-0552 740-243-4647 740-641-8917 740-239-8567 740-204-9136 740-277-7846 740-478-8152 740-331-0909 740-332-4180 740-487-1358 740-285-6920 740-238-9843 740-359-0834 740-522-3323 740-250-5230 740-723-4318 740-648-8866 740-243-9183 740-463-4945 740-251-9407 740-509-8970 740-241-8982 740-339-4115 740-397-1661 740-651-4140 740-515-4638

View All Numbers With A 740 Area Code Reported To The FTC

What If This Number Called Me?

You can report a violation here if you are already registered on the National Do Not Call Registry. If you would like to add your number to The National Do Not Call Registry, please see below. According to the FTC and complying with the Do Not Call Provisions of the Telemarketing Sales Rule, calling a consumer who has asked not to be called potentially exposes a seller and telemarketer to a civil penalty of $50,120 for each violation.

How Do I Get On The National Do Not Call Registry?

To register for the National Do No Call Registry, vist this link and follow the steps below:

Enter Your Contact Information:

Enter Your Contact Information

Confirm Your Contact Information:

Confirm Your Contact Information

Verify Your Information Through Your Email:

Verify Your Information Through Your Email

Or Watch This Step-by-Step Video

How Up-To-Date Is This Information

Information regarding 740-667-6860 was last received on 12/21/2023. The latest update to our Do Not Call Violation Directory was on06/12/2024. Any updates past 06/12/2024 will not be represented in this data.